Yoga Teaching Training Courses

BWYQ Level 4 Diploma in Teaching Yoga.

Next course to commence Spring 2026.  For further details contact our Director of Education and Training:

Our 500-hour Teacher Training provides students with an in-depth training in yoga. It equips participants with the skills needed to teach yoga to individuals and groups. The programme covers principles, techniques and practice of āsana, prāṇāyāma and meditation and key aspects of yoga philosophy. Allied subjects include āyurveda, psychology and anatomy & physiology.

During the course significant time is devoted to ‘how to teach’ and you will be assigned a mentor to support your learning and your personal and professional development on your journey to becoming a first-class teacher.

By the end of the programme you will:

  • have knowledge and understanding of yoga as a discipline for holistic wellness
  • have experience and understanding of yoga as a means of personal practice and evolution
  • have knowledge and understanding of yoga philosophy 
  • be equipped with the tools to handle, group yoga classes and individual sessions

The course is accredited by the British Wheel of Yoga and is approved by the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, one of the leading yoga institutes in India, recognised as a centre of excellence in yoga, therapy and research.

As a British Wheel of Yoga Approved Training Organisation, a TSYP teacher training qualification is recognised throughout the UK education system, by schools, colleges, universities and employers.

The course will equip you to teach Yoga to individuals, however, it does not qualify you to offer Yoga Therapy. For information about our Yoga Therapy Course please click here

Yoga Journey/Progression to Diploma

for Yoga teachers wishing to learn and teach in the tradition of Professor T Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar

‘This course was a turning point for me and changed the way I was teaching; the course was a wonderful gift I gave myself… For teachers who may be considering teaching in this tradition I say definitely go for it, this tradition teaches Yoga! ‘

Penelope, Scotland

Yoga Journey will root you in a yoga tradition that is one of the most respected in the world. It will support you to develop your skills and experience to become an outstanding Yoga teacher.

Your learning will be grounded in the teachings of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra and other key yoga texts.  You will: 

  • Experience practical teachings on āsana, the importance of the breath in āsana, prāṇāyāma, sound and meditative techniques.
  • Explore Yoga as a tool for helping us in our life; for health, healing, self-discovery, growth in wisdom and ultimately spiritual transformation.
  • Develop your teaching of yoga with emphasis on the importance of adapting yoga to the individual
  • Gain skills and tools for teaching individuals.
  • Transition from certificate to BWYQ Level 4 diploma in yoga teaching where appropriate.

‘I learnt how to offer a safe, inclusive and individual practice, rather than a one size fits all. I learnt how to structure each class to suit the individual’s needs, whether a 121 or group class, using the key principle of Vinyasa Krama and other techniques to adapt the practice to suit each person. Having my mentor and teacher supporting me through this journey and beyond is a unique and extremely beneficial element of this tradition.’

Sue, Surrey 

Our next Yoga Journey will run June 2025 to March 2027 and consist of:

Starts:  14th June 2025

Duration:   21 months

Fees:  £4,950 – this includes:

  • all tuition;
  • single occupancy ensuite accommodation, on a full-board basis, for the six residential weekends;
  • £35 TSYP registration fee,
  • £150 BWYQ learner registration fee (for those wishing to progress from certificate to diploma level qualification in Teaching Yoga).

TSYP is committed to equality of opportunity.  If you wish to undertake this course and you are experiencing financial constraints, please contact the Treasurer ( for information on payment options and financial assistance. 

Please also see the TSYP Financial Assistance Policy 

‘Yoga Journey was a gift, an unparalleled opportunity to integrate my teaching practice into something more cohesive for myself and those I teach.’

Helena , Cambridgeshire

Yoga Journey 2026 will be led by Michelle Tarling, TSYP Head of Education and Training, who will be joined by other TSYP senior faculty and , where possible, colleagues from the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, India:  TSYP tutors may include:

  • Andy Curtis-Payne (TKV Desikachar appointed teacher trainer and previously Chair of TSYP and the British Council for Yoga Therapy)
  • Bea Teuten 
  • Elizabeth Murtha (TKV Desikachar appointed teacher trainer)
  • Helen Macpherson 
  • Michael Hutchinson (TKV Desikachar appointed teacher trainer)
  • Lisa Soede 

The course will equip you to teach Yoga to individuals, however, it does not qualify you to offer Yoga therapy. For information about our Yoga Therapy Course please click here.

Contact to register your interest and for the full prospectus which gives further details.