Sara Butler

The Yoga of Gardening

We gratefully reprint an article here by TSYP chairman Andy Curtis-Payne, recently published in Darśanam, the quarterly journal of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. I have been extremely fortunate over the last thirty years to have been able to work both as a gardener and a yoga teacher. At first these two may seem rather different;

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Apply for a Churchill travel grant to influence change

TSYP member Michael Hutchinson brought the work of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to our attention recently, after reading an article in the Basingstoke Gazette. Applying for a Churchill Fellowship might make travel to TSYP’s ‘mother’ organisation, the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, a possibility for someone who otherwise would be unable to afford to go and study there.

Apply for a Churchill travel grant to influence change Read More »

Duty of candour

The Duty of Candour applies to all UK health professionals who are subject to statutory regulation. As a yoga therapist you are not subject to statutory regulation but may have chosen to be a registrant of a non-statutory regulator such as CNHC. In any event, adhering to the principles behind a Duty of Candour is important

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Book review: Counselling Principles and Practices for Yoga Therapists by Dr Latha Satish

Working in the field of yoga therapy one often finds oneself trying to bridge two worlds and explain to people in each of them the special way in which yoga can be applied therapeutically. On the one hand yoga practitioners and the public will say ‘Isn’t all yoga therapeutic?’ On the other, those taking a

Book review: Counselling Principles and Practices for Yoga Therapists by Dr Latha Satish Read More »

Modern medicine: don’t do that, it will make you ill | Yoga: do this, it will make you well

The first Yoga in Healthcare Conference was held in February this year at the University of Westminster, and TSYP was there. Organised by the Yoga in Healthcare Alliance, the lively and upbeat event was attended by an international mix of Yoga teachers, Yoga therapists and mainstream health professionals, with some participants having more than one ‘hat’

Modern medicine: don’t do that, it will make you ill | Yoga: do this, it will make you well Read More »