Namaskarams from the KYM
Warm greetings to all of you from the KYM.
We, the citizens of the world are facing a crisis of unprecedented proportions, and no country is left untouched by the fear surrounding the pandemic.
Unfortunately, our fear and anxiety are also multiplied manifold as we see and read about how every nation struggles in this battle against a fairly deadly virus.
Fear of the illness itself is compounded by fears about a shattered global economy, loss of income, potential loss of jobs, lack of stability and uncertainty over the future. While this all-pervasive negativity is understandable, it nevertheless is counterproductive to our wellness, for as our stress peaks, it begins to impact our health and our relationships, also leading to increased susceptibility and vulnerability.
It is in times like this that we must strive to gain control of our spiraling negativity, replacing these fears and thoughts with affirmative ones. This is definitely very hard to do, but Yoga philosophy and practices certainly can offer us many viable means of improving general health, boosting immunity, improving breath quality and lung efficiency. These domains are within our control as opposed to the frightening situations outside, that we are unable to do anything about.
It is with this intent to offer some positive affirmative support to all our friends across the world students, that the KYM is bringing to you a series of lectures and practices through free webinars and videos that offer some small measure of strength and guidance in coping with the current situation. Many of our senior teachers are working in coordination with our communications team to bring to you some valuable insights and teachings from the KYM tradition, specifically oriented to our present situation.
Do take the time to watch these videos, for we are sure they will be of great use.
We will shortly bring to you more lectures and guided practices in the coming weeks.
Sending you our collective prayers for your safety and well-being.
Kind regards,
K S Sudhakar,
Managing Trustee
Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram
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