I have been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to present at an upcoming event run by The British Psychological Society. This came about as a result of a previous presentation I gave for the same organisation back in October 2019.This first occasion resulted from work I had done with Nina Dhiman who, as well as being a BWY teacher, is also a member of the BPS. I had met and worked with Nina at BWY Congress and several BWY inset training events so she was kind enough to recommend me to the BPS as a guest presenter.
The reason I mention all this history is to illustrate that it is through these relationships that I now come to be presenting at the BPS again; relationship is the best way to spread the teachings of yoga and T K V Desikachar was very keen that we should be able to take yoga into every aspect of life!
The current event takes place on 22nd October, from 10.00 – 15:00, and is to be a series of guest speakers presenting different ideas about well-being from within different cultures. I have been given the great honour of looking at well-being from the perspective of yoga and āyurveda. The session is titled Svastha and looks at the truly wholistic vision of health presented in the Vedas, encompassing all aspects of our being as well as how we live. My feeling is that the day as a whole would be of particular interest to anyone working therapeutically with yoga or with specialised groups themed around aspects of mental health.
Andy Curtis-Payne, TSYP Yoga Teacher and Therapist