The value of having your own practice cannot be underestimated. There is no substitute for working with your own teacher on a practice that supports you and addresses your needs. TKV Desikachar, in an online interview with Rajiv Mehrotra, was asked why he did not address large audiences and preferred to work with people individually. His answer was that he could impart information to large audiences but that he needed to work one-to-one to effect transformation. And yoga is a tool for personal transformation. So in that context, many of us already have our own practices, given to us by our teachers.
However, it is always special to be taught, and interesting to sample something different. At the moment there are many classes out there online, but if you have had enough of the internet how can you sample a class?
Andy Curtis-Payne has kindly kindly drafted two practices for us. They are easy to follow and offer two different approaches to practising depending on how you feel. One is more calming if you are feeling het up: the ‘langhana’ practice. And the other is more energising, the ‘brmhana’ practice. Both make use of brahmari breath, also known as humming or bee breath – a technique that is an easy way to gently extend the exhale and has many benefits including reducing anxiety. We suggest you take 6 rounds of anuloma ujjayi and 6 rounds of nadi sodhana in the langhana practice. For the brmhana practice: 12 rounds bhramari.
It goes without saying, but is nonetheless crucial to remember: you must practise with care and attention.