Duty of candour

The Duty of Candour applies to all UK health professionals who are subject to statutory regulation. As a yoga therapist you are not subject to statutory regulation but may have chosen to be a registrant of a non-statutory regulator such as CNHC. In any event, adhering to the principles behind a Duty of Candour is important ethically and is endorsed by TSYP as best practice.

TSYP works closely with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and as such we wish to ensure that all our members are aware of the importance of the Duty of Candour. 

The Duty of Candour means being open and honest with clients when something has gone wrong with the provision of their care, and which causes or has the potential to cause, harm or distress. It is good practice to adopt the Duty of Candour in compliance with the requirement to justify public trust and confidence by being honest and trustworthy. If something does go wrong, to fulfil the duty of candour it is important that you explain to the client what has happened and put things right if possible, as well as offering an apology. Clearly this is something that falls within our values as yogi-s, and within satya of the yama-s.  

However, given that this is the 21stcentury and all professionals must have professional indemnity insurance, it is crucial that you inform your insurance company before you speak to your client, and provide them with full details of what has happened. 

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