CHANT FOR INDIA – Friday 30th April –Saturday 1st May – 9am – 9am

The current wave of coronavirus is devastating India, and we are sad and shocked at the events in the country that we and our yoga tradition owe so much to. Join with us on Friday 30th April to take the people of India into our hearts and send a message of support to them by taking some of your time to do the following Vedic chants.

  • Śraddhāsūktam
  • Laghunyāsaḥ
  • Ārogya-mantraḥ
  • Gāyatrī-mantraḥ

We are hoping to chant continuously for 24 hours, beginning this Friday, 30th April at 09:00 and ending Saturday, 1st May at 09:00 UK time. You do not need to join Zoom or any other platform, all we ask is that you simply chant where you are. If you can spare any time, please get in touch with one of the contacts below:

Section 1 – 09:00 to 17:00 BST (UK time) is the UK/Europe time slot. 

If you are in this time zone, please click here to email Lisa Soede and reserve your time.  

Section 2 – 17:00 to 00:00 BST is the North America time slot. 

If you are in this time zone, please click here to email Lisa Soede and reserve your time. 

Section 3 – 00:00 to 08:00 BST Saturday morning is the Australia/Far East time slot.

If you are in this time zone, please click here to email Debby Badger and reserve your time.

Thank you.

With peace and love,

The TSYP team

2 thoughts on “CHANT FOR INDIA – Friday 30th April –Saturday 1st May – 9am – 9am”

  1. We have received a remarkable response to our call for a 24-hour Vedic chant marathon, for which we are very grateful. This means no one needs to contact Lisa or Debby regarding slots any longer, but we hope you will still join us by simply chanting when it is convenient for you, knowing you are part of a saṅga of like-minded people who are sending out all good wishes to the people of India and indeed the whole world.
    Sara Butler, TSYP Communications

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