TSYP member Michael Hutchinson brought the work of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust to our attention recently, after reading an article in the Basingstoke Gazette. Applying for a Churchill Fellowship might make travel to TSYP’s ‘mother’ organisation, the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, a possibility for someone who otherwise would be unable to afford to go and study there.

Established when Sir Winston Churchill died in 1965, the Trust offers grants for UK citizens to travel overseas in pursuit of new and better ways of tackling a wide range of the current challenges facing the UK.
A Churchill Fellowship begins with a travel grant for individuals to spend up to two months overseas, researching innovative practice on a topic of their choice. The idea is not to do academic study, but to explore in a practical way how things work in other countries, gaining insights that can be brought back to the UK to influence change here.
On their return, the Trust can support and provide advice and further funding to spread findings locally or nationally, perhaps to set up a pilot project, and to meet key players in the topic area.
Successful applicants are known as Churchill Fellows for life. No qualifications are required, just a project and the desire and motivation to improve their community, profession or field. One way a TSYP member might want to make use of this opportunity would be for further yoga study and observing yoga teachers and therapists at work at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiramin Chennai, India.

The deadline for applications for travels in 2020 is 17 September, so hurry! For further information click here.
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