TKV Desikachar was the founding inspiration for TSYP. On this day we invite you to pause for a moment, if possible at 8 am UK time, and remember him with gratitude for all he and his father Krishnamacharya have given us. You might like to light a candle and chant the Prārthanā-ślokaḥ.

Oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
I am deeply grateful for the contribution and approach of TKV. How he approached yoga and his students and the teachings he so generously passed down. One aspect that stands out for me is the importance he put on relationships and that yoga is about relationships.
Sri TKV Desikachar passed away on the 8th August 2016 and is greatly missed by his students all around the world. I have been his student for many years and, although no longer with us, his life and work continue inspire and teach me.
TSYP is devoted to following his teaching and it is great that our sangha is honouring him this coming Saturday .
I will light a candle at 8AM chanting the prayers both to him and his father and then reflect on their gifts to this world. I hope as many as possible can join in at the same time. ( or later if its not possible at 8 AM) It will be wonderful to join together on this day of remembrance.
Gill Lloyd
I will join you Gill with lighting a candle and chanting to honour Sir…….I am so grateful to have been able to have received his teaching which was so inspiring and continues to inspire me. As I reflect I will be filled with so many happy memories of his Saturday morning classes at KYM which I was so lucky and privileged to have attended, they will forever guide me
Love and blessings to all
I’ve never had the opportunity to meet Sir but I was always impressed by the look in my teacher’s eyes whenever she would talk about him (Suzanne Jordant, student of Claude Maréchal).
I will join.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for welcoming me in the Vedic Chanting Sanga and at TSYP.
Nathalie Hérion