TSYP Events
- Working therapeutically with problems located in annamayam, the musculo-skeletal form. RECORDINGS NOW AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE
- Prāṇa Cikitsā Course 3: Yoga therapy for prāṇamaya problems, focusing on lymphatic, integumentary and auto-immune conditions. RECORDINGS AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE
- Yoga therapy and mental health conditions, diagnoses and medication.
- Moving through Darkness: from viṣāda to śraddhā
A 10-day New Year Practice with Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton - Yoga for Darker Times
Teacher’s Events
- Yoga and Relationship: with self, with others, with spirit – Ann Hunter and Patricia Ace
- Yoga Sūtra Chapter 2 Online Study Course
including analysis from Vyāsa's commentary
with Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton - How Can Somatics Influence Our Yoga Practice?
- Yoga and Hiking Holiday – High Atlas Mountains, Morocco with Lisa Soede
- Chanting the Sūktam-s- a retreat in Surrey with Helen Macpherson