New year message 2019 from TSYP chair

Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe that another year has passed. 2018 was busy and fruitful year for TSYP, with three teacher training courses running currently and another due to start in November next year, and the extremely successful and important Vedic Chant teacher training course, not forgetting the crucial work of all those involved the TSYP Foundation Courses.

We are so blessed at TSYP in being strongly linked to a teaching that, thanks to Sir, has such clarity and the ability to adapt to the constant change in the world while holding true to the real essence of yoga. This came across to me very clearly on three occasions this year: first when visiting the KYM In January, always an inspiring and uplifting experience, then in July on being asked by S. Sridharan to represent the KYM at the World Yoga Festival near Reading, and finally in November when Nrithya Jagannathan came from the KYM to teach and inspire us with her amazing enthusiasm and dynamism.

Happily for us all there will be more such opportunities this year at our Annual Event in November, when Srinivasan will be coming from the KYM and in January 2020, when Helen and I will be leading another study trip to the KYM.

The light seems so precious at this time of year, being short-lived and somewhat elusive and yet it is always there, very like the light within us, a constant, a source of warmth, comfort and inspiration. And, of course, it is this very light that yoga guides us to, the clarity and constancy that allows us to remain calm and stable in an increasingly challenging world.

Thus we go, together, from strength to strength, sharing the teachings of Sir for the benefit of those we work with and ourselves. I am indebted, as ever to ALL of you, whether you practise and share the teaching through your life and how you live it, or whether you are one of the many whose dedication and hard work is helping to carry us forward – thank you and bless you!


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