Michael Hutchinson reflects on his experience at the 2nd World Yoga Festival, 2017.
In the first weekend of July the sun shone on the 2nd World Yoga Festival at Beale Park, on the banks of the Thames in Berkshire.Andy, Helen and I arrived in the early coolness of the Friday morning to sit once again at the feet of Sri S. Sridharan, our living link to the teaching of Sri T. Krishnamacharya and Sri TKV Desikachar. Appropriately, the Festival theme this year was of homage to our teachers.
Sridharan’s theme this year was Pranayama, so important among the eight limbs and our practical link to the inner limbs of Yoga. Andy and I provided later, supporting breath and movement sessions. Following on from Sri Sridharan, Dr Latha Satish led us on application of voice work and, to our surprise, wanting to show the use of mantra in sequence work, she called on Sri Sridharan to demonstrate. Yoga makes us all equal!
Next year’s dates are 20th – 22nd July. I look forward to seeing lots of you there.