The summer solstice, 21 June, is a special day in the TSYP calendar as it was the birthday of our revered teacher TKV Desikachar. In celebration of this we will be hosting a special chanting sangha with our senior teacher Radha Sundararajan.
We will be chanting Gurvaṣṭakam and then all four chapters of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra. Radha will provide a short commentary and lead the chanting.
If you wish to practise beforehand, you can download a recording of Radha chanting Gurvaṣṭakam here.
And if you require a full version of the Yoga Sūtra text with chanting notation, you can download the version generously shared by Paul Harvey here.
Please note, we are unable to post login details for Zoom meetings on our website. If you would like to join us and are not on our mailing list, please send a mail to:
This will also be an excellent preparation for the online 2-day workshop we will be holding with Radha the first weekend of September. Over two 2-hour sessions, Radha will teach about Yoga Sūtra Chapters 1 and 2, covering both theory and practice. We will be posting and mailing details on this soon.
For now though, we look forward to seeing you on June 21.
The TSYP team
photo of Radha Sundararajan courtesy of Mari Kadanik
photo of TKV Desikachar courtesy of Frans Moors